Navigating Difficult News Events with Children: A Parent Toolkit, Wednesday Oct 13th 6:30-7:30pm
There is no shortage of painful topics in the news, all around us. But many parents don’t know how to talk with their children about these concerning events. Will their children be traumatized? How much detail should they go into? Do you need to explain it, or just validate kids’ concerns? Can kids even understand such events?
Join the Belmont Public Library and Belmont Wellness Coalition’s Lisa Gibalerio, MPH, and Sophia Suarez-Friedman, LCSW, to explore:
– Best practices for engaging in challenging conversations
-What it really means to “validate” our kids
-How we manage our own emotional responses
Sign up online to submit questions ahead of time, or join via Zoom without signing up at this link —
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87522841131?pwd=WE84MHQxN1UxTUxGSytZZm1pUXd4UT09 Meeting ID: 875 2284 1131 Passcode: 0FbDid