Belmont High School PTSO – BWC YRBS Data Presentation, Dec. 9th 7pm
Please join the BHS PTSO for our next meeting on Thursday, December 9, at 7pm on Zoom. The Belmont Wellness Coalition will be presenting data highlights from the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).
The YRBS is given to students in grades 7 – 12, every two years. Shared highlights include data on rates of substance use, causes of stress, and mental health factors, including information on suicide ideation. Time will be allowed for questions and discussion.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 6765 7954
Passcode: 800269
Stay tuned for the next YRBS Data Presentation to the Chenery Middle School PTO on January 12th at 6pm on Zoom. Learn more about the YRBS Data and view the PowerPoint presentations here.