
 Family Communications Survey

Belmont Public Schools is seeking family input to improve our communications. The survey takes 5–10 minutes, and your feedback is key to shaping how we connect with our school community. Thank you for your participation. The survey will be open until Friday, February 14th. Please scan the click the link to begin.

Belmont High School’s Production of Romeo and Juliet

On Thursday, October 24, Lisa held a workshop with the BHS Performing Arts Company’s cast of Romeo and Juliet to explore youth mental health. She and the cast discussed signs of a mental health disorder, mental health myths, ways to support a friend who might be struggling, and suicidal ideation. Lisa was joined in leading the discussion by two members […]

Teens and Screens, Exploring Best Practices

Thursday, October 19th at 7:30 PM Lisa will survey the ways in which teens use cell phones, shedding light on the good and bad, the amount of time spent, typical sites they access, and most importantly – how you can work with your child to ensure the best outcome regarding this ubiquitous and powerful tool.