
Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Presentations

Belmont Wellness Coalition presented data from the 2021 YRBS survey to the School Committee on November 9, 2021. See the Data Presentation here, as well as the longer Presentation with additional data results here. Watch Lisa Gibalerio present data highlights to Belmont Media Center here. Belmont Wellness Coalition will present the data to the Chenery PTO on January 12th at […]

Letter from Superintendent of Schools on YRBS Data

Belmont Wellness Coalition Survey Findings Dear Belmont Community, At the November 9 School Committee meeting, the Belmont Wellness Coalition (Wayside Youth & Family Support Network)  gave a presentation of survey findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). In the spring of 2019, the coalition presented SEL data and now they are presenting key points from the 2021 YRBS data […]

Wayside’s Annual Fundraiser: 5K4Kids

Wayside Youth & Family Support Network is having our annual fundraiser 5K4Kids. 100% of what we raise goes to our programs for youth and families! For Belmont Wellness Coalition in particular, we are able to use it for programming and events in Belmont that focus on mental health and substance misuse prevention. Please consider making a donation – any amount […]

Tip Sheet: Suicide Prevention in Teens

Suicide Prevention Week was last week, so let’s have this conversation about how parents can support their teens. Identifying suicidal thoughts and behaviors can be difficult, especially if your teen is pulling away from you – here we try to help you identify the warnings signs, ways to get more information, and what to do to support your teen. Read […]

Parenting Group Starts Up for the School Year

The Belmont Wellness Coalition’s Parenting Group is starting again this year, now on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 7-8pm. The group will start by meeting on Zoom and may have some meetings in person, TBD! The Parenting Group allows for discussions and mutual learning and touches upon various topics important to parents of teens and tweens and decided […]

Tip Sheet: Supporting a Teen in a Mental Health Crisis

It can be difficult to know what to do in a crisis, so BWC has compiled some guidance and resources for caregivers who are supporting their teens through a mental health crisis. Read the tip sheet here: Supporting a Teen in a Mental Health Crisis and find more resources on mental health and therapy under our resources tab.