
Mental Health Stories on Instagram

The Mental Health Stories on our Belmont Wellness Coalition Instagram account is a way for students and community members to share challenges and successes related to mental health. Our goal is to start a conversation on mental health, and how we are not alone and can learn from one another. We aim to share resources and coping skills for those […]

Monthly Parenting Group

The Belmont Wellness Coalition hosts a monthly Parenting Group for Belmont parents to talk with each other about parenting teens and tweens. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the each month from 7-8pm (note: new time starting April 2021) on Zoom. New parents are always welcome! For more information and to sign up, contact Sophia at

Parenting Webinar with McLean, Wednesday, March 3rd, 7 pm

The McLean School Consultation Service, in partnership with the Belmont Wellness Coalition, invites you to join a live webinar on Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:00 PM: Strategies for Supporting Teens: Build Your Tool Box This webinar will provide parents and caregivers with concrete strategies for supporting tweens and teens, including: What skills might help your teen manage stress and anxiety?  How do you know what is typical teen behavior? How […]


Lisa Gibalerio reminds us that the pandemic isn’t over and that COVID-19 cases are rising in this COVID-19 PSA for the Belmont Media Center. As we go into winter and the holiday season, please do your part by wearing a mask, social distancing, washing your hands, and getting a flu shot.

Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Training, Saturday April 18th, 2020.

When: Saturday, April 18th, 2020: 9AM-3:30PM. Must attend entire day for certification. Where: Belmont Public Library, Assembly Room- 336 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478 Cost: Free! Includes lunch, snacks, and course materials. Register with Lisa Gibalerio, Youth Prevention Specialist at or contact Lisa at 617-284-2649 Learn more about this training at


Former Boston Celtics player Chris Herren will speak with Belmont High School students about his painful experiences with substance use and how he found his way to recovery and his current mission to educate and empower youth.