Family Communications Survey

Belmont Public Schools is seeking family input to improve our communications. The survey takes 5–10 minutes, and your feedback is key to shaping how we connect with our school community. Thank you for your participation. The survey will be open until Friday, February 14th. Please scan the click the link to begin.

Belmont High School’s Production of Romeo and Juliet

On Thursday, October 24, Lisa held a workshop with the BHS Performing Arts Company’s cast of Romeo and Juliet to explore youth mental health. She and the cast discussed signs of a mental health disorder, mental health myths, ways to support a friend who might be struggling, and suicidal ideation. Lisa was joined in leading the discussion by two members […]

Upcoming Fall 2023 Events

Vaping – A Community Forum with BWC and Kevin Hill, MD When: Monday, Oct. 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM Where: CMS Community Room The BWC will be presenting several presentations which will offer 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey highlights. (Locations & Times TBD) Belmont High School Back-To-School Night: BWC will present a Social Host Liability Law and Substance Misuse workshop. (Date and […]

School Support Staff Survey

In Spring 2023 Belmont Wellness Coalition surveyed the guidance department, school social workers, and school psychologists at both the Chenery and Belmont High School. This survey asked the guidance counselors, social workers, and psychologists to rank in order the reasons students come to them. Results can be viewed here.