Check out the latest newsletter from BWC!
Click here to view our summer newsletter! Here you will find our 2023-2023 Year in Review, resources and tip sheets for parents and teens and news on upcoming events and workshops!
Click here to view our summer newsletter! Here you will find our 2023-2023 Year in Review, resources and tip sheets for parents and teens and news on upcoming events and workshops!
Click here to view our summer newsletter! Here you will find our 2021-2022 Year in Review, resources and tip sheets for parents and teens and news on upcoming events and workshops!
The Belmont Wellness Coalition’s Parenting Group will be starting up again for this academic year on Wednesday, September 21st from 7-8pm on Zoom. Following monthly meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of the month. The first group will focus on a Back-to-School Check-in and parents will decide next months’ topics, including vaping, sleep, and bullying. Email Lisa at […]
To follow-up on data from the Youth Risk Behavioral Survey (YRBS) administered to Middle and High School students Spring 2021, BWC created and distributed a survey for parents of Middle and High School students in March 2022. The survey received 295 responses. Parents responded to questions relating to their opinions and perceptions of teen use of marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, and […]
This article originally appeared in the Belmontonian on November 15, 2021, written by Franklin B. Tucker, and features Belmont Wellness Coalition’s Lisa Gibalerio. Read the original article here. Jamal Saeh was shocked by what he had heard. In March, 89 high school students and 56 middle schoolers in Belmont told health professionals that in the past year they had gone […]
This article originally appeared in the Belmont Citizen-Herald on April 17, 2020 and features Belmont Wellness Coalition’s Lisa Gibalerio. Chenery seventh-grader Sophia Edrington Martinez was excited to play a lead role in the Chenery spring musical, “High School Musical, Jr.” and had a solo in an a capella concert March 21. Both performances were cancelled. She was also going to […]
Learn how to support your child’s health and well-being by promoting healthy sleep habits: The Importance of Sleep for Youth Brain Development
The Belmont Wellness Coalition is busy this Spring putting on workshops for parents and youth! Check out what we are up to: High School Seniors and Parents Workshop on Substance Use Prevention (mandatory event to attend Senior events)Tuesday, April 26th, 6-7pm on Zoom Parenting Group with the LGBTQ+ Alliance – Learn how to support LGBTQ+ YouthWednesday, April 27th, 7-8pm on […]
Belmont Wellness Coalition is asking for Belmont parents of Middle and High School students to participate in this Parent Survey in order to better understand the needs of parents concerning issues related to youth mental health and substance misuse. The data will assist in planning future programming. Your participation is completely anonymous and greatly appreciated. Take the Survey.
The Belmont Wellness Coalition has continued to share highlights on mental health, substance misuse, and stress from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) administered to middle and high school students in March 2021. If you are interested in learning more, you can view the data slides from the presentations below. November 9, 2021: presentation to School Committee | See the Data […]
The Belmont Wellness Coalition uses evidence-based education, outreach, and programming to support Belmont youth in: preventing and reducing substance misuse,
understanding and addressing mental health concerns, and encouraging healthy decisions regarding mental and physical health.
For information/questions, contact:
Lisa Gibalerio, MPH
Public Health Educator
Wayside Multi-Service Center
127 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472